Accreditations off
Medical Laboratories
Accreditation of medical laboratories to ISO 15189:2012 and industry specific standards.
ISO 15189:2012
Accreditation for Medical Laboratories
We accredits medical laboratories to both ISO 15189:2012 and industry-specific standards, providing assurance to regulators and the marketplace that these laboratories have fulfilled the accreditation criteria and are subject to regular compliance monitoring
Accreditation for Medical Laboratories
- Accredits Third Party Medical Laboratories.
- Assists Medical Laboratories develop a Quality Management System to ensure ISO 15189 and ISO 9001 requirements are met.
- Establish inbuilt processes to educate laboratories to assess their own competence and personnel.
- Assist in imprving quality patient care, need of patients and clinical personnel whom are responsible for the care of patients.
- Increase Health Safety, Confidentiality, Ethical Reporting Practices and Patient Management.